

Murothane is a flexible, water based protective clear finish for interior surfaces. The waxed satin finish of Murothane provides exceptional trafficability with minimal yellowing and easy recoating. Low odour, low toxicity and low VOC, Murothane is formulated for application to many interior surfaces including floors, shelving, counters and furniture. It is directly applied to most timbers, over fully dry Pure Acrylic, Woodwash Interior , Bridge Paint , Pure Chalk and over dry fully cured bare concrete or cement surfaces.

Larger sizes are available , please call your nearest stockist to purchase.

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Features + Benefits

Murothane is a flexible, water based protective clear finish for interior surfaces. The waxed satin finish of Murothane provides exceptional trafficability with minimal yellowing and easy recoating. Low odour, low toxicity and low VOC, Murothane is formulated for application to many interior surfaces including floors, shelving, counters and furniture. It is directly applied to most timbers, over fully dry Pure Acrylic, and over dry fully cured bare concrete or cement surfaces.


New Timber must be dry and free of all dirt, oils, waxes or other contaminants. Fine sanding with machine and paper appropriate to the type of timber is advised. Thoroughly vacuum all dust from the surface. Punch nails and fill holes with appropriately coloured filler. Do not use linseed oil putty.

Old Timber

Thoroughly wash the surface with household detergent or polish remover if polish has been used. Thoroughly sand with 240 grit sandpaper to an even dull surface before applying Murothane. Test a small area allowing at least one day to dry before using the cross-hatch test to check adhesion. (Score an ‘x’ with a cutter, firmly press masking tape over and remove after several minutes – if the Murothane peels with the tape, adhesion is inadequate.

Previously painted with Pure

Ensure surface is fully dry, then apply Murothane directly.

Bare concrete

Bare concrete must be cured and dry and free of all dirt, dust laitance, efflorescence, oils, waxes or
other contaminants. Apply one coat of Murobond Clear Acrylic Sealer by brush and roller or lambs-
wool applicator in a thin even coat. Thinning with up to 5% water is recommended for absorbent
cement surfaces. Allow to dry thoroughly before applying Murothane.


New Timber

Stir thoroughly before and during use with a flat paddle or plunger stirrer ensuring that all material from the bottom of the tin is mixed. Apply an even coat by clean brush, lint free pad, or roller. Avoid working the product excessively. Work along the full length of boards in groups of 3 or 4 at a time. Allow 3 hours between coats. Lightly sand between coats with 240 grit sandpaper. 3 coats of Murothane are recommended.


Approximately 14m2 per litre, allow 10 to 30% more for first coat over bare substrates.


Not generally required. For very porous surfaces thinning with up to 5% water is acceptable.


At 25°C, touch dry after 30 minutes. Allow 3 hours between coats. Allow overnight drying before light
traffic and 3 days before normal foot traffic. Full hard after 7 days.


Clean equipment in water


1, 4, 10, & 15 Litre


Do not apply if surface or air temperature is below 10°C or above 30°C or if cold temperatures are expected within 6 hours. Application over white and pastel coloured surfaces will show some yellowing, please test before proceeding. If applying over other coatings please contact Murobond Technical on
02 9906 7299 or 1800 199 299.

Keep out of reach of children. Ensure adequate ventilation during use. Do not tip excess product down drain.